Curving Concerns: Peyronie’s Early Clues Uncovered

Image of man discussing Peyronie's disease with his urologist Peyronie’s disease can be a sensitive subject. At Greater Hartford Urology Group, our seasoned and sensitive urology specialists create an atmosphere where you can relax and share your concerns. Recognizing the early signs of Peyronie’s — and trusting us for your care — can help you tackle the problem and prevent it from hurting your quality of life in the long term.

In this blog, we explain the early signs that it’s time to contact us for help with your Peyronie’s disease symptoms.

Early Signs of Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s starts when scar tissue builds up under the penis. Some of the signs are:

  • Penis pulling to one side when erect
  • Painful erections
  • Penis narrowing or other shape changes
  • Lumps, bumps, or indentions in the penis skin

You might still be able to enjoy sex early on, but if Peyronie’s disease isn’t treated, you could experience erectile dysfunction (ED). Your penis could also shorten due to continued scar tissue growth.

About three-quarters of men with Peyronie’s disease struggle with their mental health due to these changes. Unfortunately, many men never speak up, but it’s important to know that help is available.

Help For Peyronie’s Disease

We provide compassionate expert Peyronie’s disease care in our Hartford, Enfield, and Glastonbury, CT, offices. The first step is diagnosis, which generally involves a physical exam. Our experienced urologists can detect scar tissue even when your penis isn’t erect. We may recommend imaging tests to analyze the scar tissue better and check for complications.

After diagnosing Peyronie’s and locating the scar tissue within your penis, we recommend a personalized treatment strategy. Some of the treatments for Peyronie’s may include:

  • Monitoring (watch-and-wait)
  • Penile traction therapy to reduce curve and stretch the penis
  • Radiation therapy to break up scar tissue

One of the most promising new treatments for Peyronie’s disease is Xiaflex®, an FDA-approved injection therapy. Xiaflex injections contain enzymes that help gradually break down scar tissue inside the penis. When combined with stretching exercises, Xiaflex may offer a nonsurgical solution with long-lasting results. Most men need one to four treatment cycles, six weeks apart.

Empathetic Help for Peyronie’s Disease in Hartford

We’re here to help you face and overcome the challenges of Peyronie’s disease. Don’t suffer in silence, and don’t let embarrassment keep you from getting the help you deserve. Treatment can be fast and easy, so call us today at 860-522-2251 to take the first step toward getting your life back.

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Hartford, CT
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