What Does It Mean to Live With Overactive Bladder?

Male,Fertility,Concept,,Pain,In,Prostate,,Man,Suffering,From,ProstatitisThe human body is amazing, and it’s easy to take its capabilities for granted. But if you live with an overactive bladder, you don’t always have that option. An overactive bladder can be an embarrassing, uncomfortable condition. Here’s what to know and how to move forward.

What Is an Overactive Bladder?

Overactive bladder is also known as hypertonicity of bladder or OAB. Most people who have OAB associate the condition with an unmistakable symptom: a sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate.

OAB is different from incontinence, which is a term for releasing urine involuntarily. It may, however, result in incontinence, which can become problematic. For instance, you may find social situations uncomfortable. Or you could give up activities you used to enjoy. For those used to feeling in control of their bodies, OAB can represent a big change.

How Does an Overactive Bladder Happen?

An overactive bladder is actually a muscle issue. Normally, the muscles of your bladder will contract when your bladder is full, pushing out urine. OAB involves contractions that occur even when you aren’t necessarily holding a lot of urine.

Who Does Overactive Bladder Affect?

OAB impacts a broad spectrum of patients. However, it’s more likely if you’re a woman or elderly. Conditions like diabetes or an enlarged prostate can also be risk factors. If you’ve had a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or a tumor, you may experience similar symptoms.

Ways to Treat Overactive Bladder?

Many overactive bladder treatments involve lifestyle changes. Your urologist might suggest you stop drinking so much caffeine or cease smoking, as these behaviors heighten your risk. They could also recommend switching your medication or getting more exercise to maintain a healthier weight.

Starting OAB treatment doesn’t have to mean turning your life upside down. For instance, some patients do exercises specifically geared toward pelvic floor strengthening. It’s critical to get an accurate diagnosis by visiting a urologist before you choose a treatment plan — even with lower-risk options like physical therapy.

Improve Your Understanding of Your Overactive Bladder at Greater Hartford Urology Group

Overactive bladder can happen for many reasons. There’s no universal cure because each patient brings a different set of circumstances to the table. Want to know exactly what you’re dealing with and how to take back control? Chat with the team of specialists at Greater Hartford Urology Group. Set up your consultation by calling 860-522-2251 or scheduling a visit on the web.

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